Wel-Pac Shrimp Dashi No Moto Soup Stock Recall [US]

Wel-Pac Shrimp Dashi No Moto Soup Stock Recall [US]

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US FlagUS/Silver Spring: JFC International Inc., a Los Angeles, California establishment, recalls certain batch/lots of Wel-Pac Shrimp Dashi No Moto Soup Stock from the American marketplace due to suspected mislabeling and consequential undeclared Bonito Fish, Sardine Fish and Tuna Fish, all known allergens, sources of dietary intolerance and possible triggers of Anaphylaxis, a serious and potential fatal situation, requiring immediate medical intervention to minimize pain and suffering as well as prevent life-changing injury.

FDA: http://ht.ly/tCej30s2bKl

Direct link: https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/jfc-international-inc-issues-allergy-alert-undeclared-fish-bonito-sardine-tuna-wel-pac-shrimp-soup

Additional information:
The US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) reports the following Shrimp Soup Stock products are subject to this recall:

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