Product Recall: California Beach Pop N’ Go Kids’ Playpens

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California Beach Co. Pop N’ Go Playpens Recall [Canada]

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Canada/Ottawa: Faint Orange Horizon, Inc., a Walpole, Massachusetts establishment, recalls an estimated 7,379 California Beach Co. Pop N’ Go Children’s Playpens from the Canadian marketplace due to flammability and entrapment hazards with consequential risks of burns, scalds, smoke inhalation, respiratory failure, cardiac system collapse and/or property damage as well as risks of asphyxiation, lacerations, concussion, bone fracture and life-changing Central Nervous System (“CNS”) injuries, all serious health and safety hazards requiring immediate medical intervention to minimize pain and suffering as well as prevent life-altering injury or death.


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Additional information:
Health Canada/Santé Canada (“HCSC”) reports the following Children’s Playpens are subject to this recall:

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