Becca Cosmetics Light Shifter Concealer Recall [Canada]

Becca Cosmetics Light Shifter Concealer Recall [US]

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Canada FlagCanada/Ottawa: Becca Cosmetics, a New York, New York establishment, and American subsidiary of Becca Cosmetics, of Perth, Australia and part of the Estée Lauder Group of companies recalls certain batch/lots of Becca Cosmetics branded Light Shifter Brightening Concealer products from the Canadian marketplace due to suspected Mould contamination and consequential risks of skin irritation, allergy, Keratitis, Endophthalmitis and/or possible life-changing complications including eye damage and/or blindness, all serious health and safety hazards.


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Additional information:
Health Canada/Santé Canada (“HCSC”) reports the following Concealer products are subject to this recall:

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