Product Recall: Super Lube Anti-Corrosion Chemicals

Product Recall: Super Lube Anti-Corrosion Chemical Products

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Estimated reading time: ten (10) minutes.

US FlagUS/Washington: Kano Laboratories LLC, a Bohemia, New York establishment, recalls an estimated 3,700 bottles of Super Lube Syncopen Synthetic Penetrant, Super Lube Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluid, and Super Lube Metal Protectant and Corrosion Inhibitor from the American marketplace due to suspected failure to meet child-resistant packaging regulations and violation of US Federal Hazardous Substance Act (“FHSA”) labeling requirements with consequential risk of drug overdose, ingestion, poisoning and GI tract laceration damage, all serious and potential fatal situations, requiring immediate medical intervention to minimize pain and suffering as well as prevent life-altering injury or death.


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Additional information:
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”) reports involves certain Super Lube products used to prevent corrosion in various machinery and marketed, sold and delivered in the United States, as follows:

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Vehicle Recall: Oliver Travel Elite II Trailers

Logo - US National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationEstimated reading time: seven (7) minutes.

US FlagUS/Washington: As of Sunday, May 26, 2024, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), a division of the US Department of Transportation, has posted a total of seventy (70) vehicle, tire, accessory or other automotive-related product recalls this month. Are yours listed?

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Additional information:
Among the seventy (70) recalls the NHTSA announced in May comes news of the following notification: Continue reading

Drug Recall: Nova Pharma Ice Clear Protein Supplements

Drug Recall: Nova Pharma Ice Clear Protein Supplements

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Estimated reading time: seven (7) minutes.

Canada Flag

Canada/Ottawa: 9291-6352 Quebec Inc., a Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Quebec establishment, recalls certain batch/lots of Nova Pharma branded Ice Clear Protein (Dairy-free) Supplements from the Canadian marketplace due to suspected mislabeling and consequential risks of undeclared Milk, a known allergen, source of dietary intolerance and possible trigger of Anaphylaxis, a serious health and safety hazard requiring immediate medical intervention to minimize pain and suffering as well as prevent life-altering injury or death.


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Additional information:
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (“CFIA”) reports the following Supplement products are subject to this recall:

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