Food Warning: Clark Farms, Farmstead & Southwinds Bacon

Food Warning: Clark Farms, Farmstead & Southwinds Cattle Bacon

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US FlagUS/Washington: The US Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (“FSIS”), a statutory regulatory and food safety authority issues a public heath warning against the consumption of several Not-Ready-To-Eat Clark Farms, Farmstead & Southwinds Cattle branded Pork and Beef Bacon products due to Sodium Nitrite levels in excess of US Regulatory Limits and consequential risks of Sodium Nitrite Toxicity, nausea, fatigue, rapid heart rate, loss of consciousness, confusion, dizziness, Methemoglobinemia, severe illness and/or possible life-changing complications, all serious health and safety hazards requiring immediate medical intervention to minimize pain and suffering as well as prevent life-altering injury or death.


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Additional information:
The United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) reports the following Pork products are subject to this public health warning:

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